Tweet Tweet III: Real Journalism

    By Jeremy Friday, June 19, 2009

    I was going to post about how we can use Twitter in Christianity, but the recent events of the Iranian Elections have been so prominent on the twitter scene as of late that I felt compelled to write a short post about it and postpone the last post of my Tweet Tweet series until next time.

    If you haven't been following, the #iranelection is trending because the results of the election have been accused of being fraudulent.

    Not only has the general media been accused of not covering the event enough, but the Iranian government has banned journalists from covering the protests. Fortunately, that hasn't stopped the thousands of Twitter users that are on the ground providing real journalism and making sure their voices are heard.

    Despite the government's efforts, the people are using Twitter to organize protests, tweet about safe paths to take to avoid anti-protest officials, covering the injuries and deaths that have occurred, and taking photos and videos of the actions.

    There's a revolution going on in Iran, and Twitter has become the purest source of news.

    Let us all pray for the safety of the people and a peaceful resolution to these events.

    Continue on to Tweet Tweet IV: Christianity and Twitter or, read the previous post, Tweet Tweet II: Not Pancakes for Breakfast.

    Photo courtesy.

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